As a designated safe sleep guardian, Dream Baby Sleep® wants to ensure all parents have access to the information they need to make the safest sleep decisions for their little ones. Our Safe Sleep Checklist is your guide to ensure that your baby’s designated sleeping space is safe.
Until their first birthday, babies should sleep on their backs for all sleep times—for naps and at night. The problem with the side position is that the baby can roll more easily onto the stomach. Some parents worry that babies will choke when on their backs, but the baby’s airway anatomy and the gag reflex will keep that from happening. Even babies with gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) should sleep on their backs.
Check off each item below and rest assured your little one is sleeping safe and sound!
- Baby is put to sleep in his own designated sleeping space. A crib, bassinet or pack n play.
- Ensure that their designated sleeping space has a firm mattress and only a fitted sheet.
- When you place the mattress in make sure that there is no space between the mattress and the crib, bassinet or pack n play walls.
- If using a pack n play or bassinet, only use the mattress that came with the product from the manufacturer.
- Baby’s designated sleeping space should have NO bumpers, blankets, comforters, pillows or stuffed animals. It should be completely bare.
- Nothing should be in the crib with the baby. NO items such as doc-a-tot or Boppy’s should ever be inside the crib or bassinet.
- Baby’s crib, bassinet or pack n play should be labeled by the manufacturer as safe for sleep.
- Baby’s designated sleeping space must be flat on the floor. Meaning none of the sides should be propped up or altered.
- Babies safe sleep space must be at minimum an adults arm length away from any windows, curtains, cords, lamps, or furniture.
- Always lay the baby down to sleep on their back.
- Ensure that the baby is dressed appropriately and will not overheat. No more than 1 layer more than the adult supervising is wearing.
- Swaddles should be snug at the top. However, you should be able to fit two to three fingers between the blanket and your baby’s chest; it should not be tight. The swaddle should be looser around the baby’s hips.
- Transition baby to a sleep sack once showing signs of rolling.
- When the baby rolls the first time at night, return them to their back. If the baby rolls from back to belly again they are safe to sleep that way per the AAP. Continue to place them down for bed on their backs each nap and night.
- Offer baby a pacifier only for all sleep, no clips should be used.
- The AAP recommends that parents room share NOT bed share with baby for a minimum of 6 months – to a year.
Be sure to review safe sleep with your Pediatrician and when in doubt keep it bare, firm, flat and fitted. Room share NOT bed share.
Dream Baby Sleep® is proud to be a designated safe sleep guardian by 501c3 First Candle. Every year 3,600 babies die of SIDS and accidental suffocation. Safe sleep saves lives.
Creating a safe sleep space is the first and most important step to healthy sleep. Be sure to schedule a free 15 minute sleep consultation to learn more.